Category: Uncategorized

Ramadan Mubarak!

Ramadan is the beautiful opportunity to develop and strengthen our connection with the Quran. Let us seize this blessed opportunity to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, drawing closer to Allah Subhanahu wa T’ala in worship, total submission, and steadfastness.

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ICNA Convention 2023

Faith and Family: Foundations for Success
October 7 & 8
The International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga

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ICNA Seniors Workshop

Elder Abuse is often defined as an any act or lack of action, within a relationship where there is an exception of trust that harms a senior and causes then distress or risks their health or welfare..

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Eid 2012 Message from Ameer

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful Dear Brothers and sisters Assalamo Alaikum WR-WB All praises are due to Allah (SWT) who guides us through Quran and the Seerah – May Allah have blessings and peace upon His last Messenger. May this Eid ul Fitr brings blessings of Allah (SWT) to have peace…

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